Bugs will be reported here as they are fixed.
Please report bugs to jstaff@capca.ucalgary.ca
2.5-D files had some problems working. That has been fixed now.
Not really a bug, but the default value for nsteps in quantities has been changed from 0 to 10000.
There were problems with the check of whether the default structure was used or not when the structure was not the default. This has been fixed.
Some debug code had made its way into the code from the last update. This caused windows to pop up rather frequently. It has been fixed.
When using Scan/Slice or Mosaic, sometimes some regions of the plot would turn out white, even though white was not part of the chosen palette. This problem has now been fixed.
A bug in readascii.pro has been fixed, so that it now works. Line 81 referred to the wrong variables (dim rather than dimsizes).